Contact Dongying Wantong Rubber Accelerator Co.,Ltd »  PTCL Phone Directory 2019 - Online Pakistan Telephone Directory & Local Businesses

Dongying Wantong Rubber Accelerator Co.,Ltd


We are DongyingWantong Rubber Accelerator Co., Ltd., we are a manufacturer of producing rubber accelerator NS(TBBS), DZ(DCBS), CZ (CBS), established in 2004, has 207 employees, 66600 square meters, about the detailed products information, you may log on our website in my signature.

We have abtained the EU REACH regulation of TBBS, DCBS, CBS. The price is not a question, the quality is a key, we will give you a satisfied price.

Now, I give you our product specification and output for your reference. Our products are premier.

Output / Month
Output / Month

NS (TBBS):Grain
600 tons / month
M (MBT):Powder
300 tons / month

DZ (DCBS):Grain
300 tons / month
DZ (DCBS):Powder
300 tons / month

CZ (CBS):Grain
300 tons / month
NS (TBBS):Powder
600 tons / month

Hongqi road 55# ,Guangrao country ,Shandong ,China, Dongying 257336, Shandong, China

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